When, even as for one second, want to put it out early; is new feature adoption for Dell guard! An eraser exits just to invert it! If it is "Dell guard type ER", I show the best performance in the scene of the game at time! [Dell guard system] follow a core. I can write it all the time. I follow a core from every direction, and therefore the Dell guard system does not already compromise ... Vertical pressure of the pen: A spring absorbs pressure of the pen. I let a core go to the upper direction and prevent buckling up. Diagonal pressure of the pen: A spring absorbs pressure of the pen. The tip appears and guards a core! Good-bye, core jamming: Generally, it is short, but I am sandwiched in between the gap, and "core jamming" happens. However, I wrap up a core, and Dell guard system prevents "core jamming"! [Dell eraser] therefore new feature "Dell eraser" that an eraser exits just to do it upside down and can put out quickly adoption can put it out ... neatly quickly. The capless specifications that we do not have to worry about the loss as for the Dell eraser. I adopt the rubber grip which it is easy to grasp!
[Dell eraser] the / capless specifications that an eraser is over just to do it upside down [the Dell guard system deployment] follow a core from every direction [lengthwise direction] upper part spring misses absorption /2: core in pressure of the pen in the upper direction, and 1 prevents buckling up [slant direction] the absorption /2: tip jumps out of pressure of the pen, and lower part spring guards a core 1 [※ attention] When I knock more than four times from the state that a core is not over and write it, I may compromise
1秒でも早く消したい時に! デルガードに新機能採用!
デルガードシステム】芯を守る。ずっと書ける。デルガードシステムは、あらゆる方向から芯を守る! だから・・・もう折れない。たての筆圧:スプリングが筆圧を吸収。芯を上方向に逃がし折れを防ぐ。
デルイレーサー】逆さにするだけで消しゴムが出る! すばやく消せる新機能「デルイレーサー」採用! だから・・・すばやく、きれいに消せる。
When, even as for one second, want to put it out early; is new feature adoption for Dell guard!
An eraser exits just to invert it!
If it is "Dell guard type ER", I show the best performance in the scene of the game at time!
[Dell guard system] follow a core. I can write it all the time. I follow a core from every direction, and therefore the Dell guard system does not already compromise ... Vertical pressure of the pen: A spring absorbs pressure of the pen. I let a core go to the upper direction and prevent buckling up.
Diagonal pressure of the pen: A spring absorbs pressure of the pen. The tip appears and guards a core!
Good-bye, core jamming: Generally, it is short, but I am sandwiched in between the gap, and "core jamming" happens. However, I wrap up a core, and Dell guard system prevents "core jamming"!
[Dell eraser] therefore new feature "Dell eraser" that an eraser exits just to do it upside down and can put out quickly adoption can put it out ... neatly quickly.
The capless specifications that we do not have to worry about the loss as for the Dell eraser.
I adopt the rubber grip which it is easy to grasp!
[Dell eraser] the / capless specifications that an eraser is over just to do it upside down
[the Dell guard system deployment] follow a core from every direction
[lengthwise direction] upper part spring misses absorption /2: core in pressure of the pen in the upper direction, and 1 prevents buckling up
[slant direction] the absorption /2: tip jumps out of pressure of the pen, and lower part spring guards a core 1
[※ attention] When I knock more than four times from the state that a core is not over and write it, I may compromise